Not to start anything & it's good he apologised, but I'm really getting sick of men using Mental Health as an excuse for shitty behaviour. As someone who has had pretty severe Mental Health problems most of my life, and yet I have somehow managed to avoid organising a hate rally.
Recently a comedian was outed as a serial sex offender, and he put the blame, in part, on mental health problems. Again, I've had some pretty severe, & untreated mental health problems, and again have managed to somehow not get accused of rape in the last forty odd years.
As @CaseyExplosion pointed out to me, it's not up to the Cis community to decide to forgive him. And, of course, actions speak louder than words.

I will say, John has a movie out in a week, & this isn't the 1st time John has voiced nasty opinions, like say, during repeal, so...
"Mental Health Problems" is the new "ah sure he had drink on him" as the new cop out for shitty behaviour. It reinforces the stigma around mental health and hurts people living with these problems. I'm not saying Mental Health issues don't have an impact on your behaviour...
Most of us would, at least, at some point during the week, where I was sowing a whirlwind of bigotry and Homophobia, to the level that you're organising a rally with people who have constantly spewed hatred towards you and your own minority community, you might stop and think...
Finally (final)thought, since the mar ref, a lot of Cis people assumed the matter of LGBTQI rights in Ireland as sorted. But the fact that a group of Neo Nazis could use homophobic slurs to ferment horrendous baseless accusations against a gay man a matter of days shows it isn’t.
Thank you Colm. Being a completely asshole doesn't come as effortlessly to me, as it clearly does for you.
Last thing before I put you on mute. If Colm, & the rest "concerned parents" are so worried about paedophiles having access to our schools, wait till you discover that the Catholic Church controls 90% of our schools, & it's leader recently announced;
Ok, I now need to block this guy who is absolutely polluting my mentions.

I will say though, if you’re going to be an absolute shit, who goes around mocking people mental health on here, you should *probably* think twice about putting your own company’s details on your account.
Yeah, I'd reply to this, pointing out the *immense* irony in someone who, (even after they're blocked) opens their alt account to try & keep an argument going, referring to anybody else, as a "keyboard warrior", but I *genuinely* think Colm is just too stupid to understand that.
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