The way upper castes are ferociously admonishing #IndianMatchmaking, one would assume that they’d all be fully anti-caste when it comes to love marriage. Lol, but y’all still want the same things in both unions. Lighter skin, slim & trim, and similar social locations.
So you saying that if India and the Indian diaspora gave up on arranged marriages, you will be open to dating and loving people across caste and class lines? Convenient to put the entire blame on the system when caste is a lot more inherent.
Your friendships should indicate that. Your social bubbles should tell you that. Who do you gravitate towards at a party? Who do you side eye with when a joke is being made? Who’s your private circle? Who do you ping when you come across a job opportunity?
Every other progressive upper caste liberal I have met has gone, “oh I am so lucky to have a family that’s chill about caste, class, etc.”, and will then proceed to tell me how their uncle’s daughter’s friend’s cousin got married to a white man from Nebraska. 🙄
Or how a mallu Nair niece got married to a Maharashtrian Brahmin boy. Listen y’all. This #IndianMatchmaking BS is not an opportunity to flex your UC liberal muscles. It’s a reflection of what you’re really thinking in a romantic pursuit, be it love or arranged.
This show is both entertaining and triggering for me. Weird I know. Entertaining cause I finally have insight into how the rich marries. Diamond necklaces and gold embroidery. Horses and little dresses for religious idols. Cool moms ordering mimosas.
Triggering cause I remembered all the matches we pursued. One bitch (the mother of the boy) refused to talk to my mom the moment she saw her. Till then our flawless English conversations on the phone didn’t give away our caste. My mom’s dark hue did.
Triggering cause I was reminded of my exes and my experiences with men. How every time these little fucks tell you they find you attractive, they don’t necessarily mean they’ll someday be serious enough to take you home to their family. They only mean a hot fuck.
Triggering cause now that all liberal UCs are against arranged marriage, I was made to live in an illusion that we are all equal, when it comes to dating and marriage. We are nowhere close to that. Abolishing arranged marriage ain’t gonna change a thing. Annihilating caste will.
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