We've been talking about the importance of family planning for some time. Today, we'll talk briefly on the types of family planning.
FP are of two categories. They are:
1. Natural Family Planning Methods e.g Abstinence, calendar method, lactation amenoerh method etc #YSMANG
2. Hormonal Contraception Methods e.g use of transdermal patch, oral contraceptives, subdermal implants, vaginal rings, intrauterine devices, hormonal injections and chemical barriers e.t.c. Always consult your doctors before using any of these hormonal methods #YSMANG
3. Surgical Methods e.g vasectomy and tubal ligation, These methods have 95.5% effective rates BUT has a few complications attached. Always consult your doctors for which family planning suits you best. To read extensively, visit https://nurseslabs.com/family-planning-methods/
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