The tiniest park has a Black Lives Matter sign. It’s Sunday night at the Justice Center/federal courthouse in downtown Portland, Oregon!
Here’s a motorcycle/bike barricade at Salmon & 3rd. Barricades protect protesters from car attacks.
I haven’t seen a crowd this big or this energetic in *weeks*! It reminds me of the fence era (the first one).
Federal police are making announcements (which is new), but I can’t hear it over the big crowd. They’re also periodically dropping flash bangs out of the courthouse.

The crowd is chanting, “Hands up! Don’t shoot!” which also reminds me of the early fence days.
Many of the moms from last night’s mom bloc were here, but I missed them! Tuck didn’t though, because *one* of us got down here at a reasonable hour.
Someone has balloons next to the heavy duty federal courthouse fence.
Okay, I lied. There are still some moms here. They’re wearing yellow today!
The federal police make an announcement, but protesters begin booing and hitting the fence so loudly that I can’t hear a word of it.
Here’s the fence around the federal courthouse. Last night around this time, protesters dismantled this type of fence and used it to barricade the courthouse doors.
Every time I hear drums I think they’re pepper balls and my heart kinda jumps in my chest. It doesn’t get easier being down here! It just kinda gets more...normal.
I just saw a mom from my school! 😍
Several extra loud flash bangs from federal police.

People are chanting, “Feds go home!” but I thought they were chanting “Let’s go home!” and I was like wow that’s a new one.
Federal police came out to shoot pepper balls into the crowd and deploy flash bangs.

Here they are returning to the building.
People chant, “Feds go home!” as protesters work to dismantle the fence.
As we wait for the feds to come out against, here’s a sign that says, “I’m a teacher, here to fulfill my obligation to support future generations. Cops and Feds: stand down! You r on the wrong side of history!”
The fence is coming down! The crowd begins to chant, “What did you see? Didn’t see shit!” which they also chanted last night after the PPA had a small fire set inside.
Someone sets off a big firework at Main & 4th. Not a great time for that! 😬
I’m seeing MANY more goggles, helmets, and respirators up by the fence. It could just be that there are more people here therefore more equipment, but still! This crowd is tear gas-ready.
I wish I could properly show you the protesters’ work as they take down the fence without filming their faces. They’re so busy and quick and organized! 🐜🐜🐜
The fence comes down!
Federal police shoot tear gas and munitions into the crowd.
A protester was shot in the arm during that last attack.
More tear gas.
Then there was a brief standoff on SW 4th.
Federal police push protesters West on SW Main with tear gas, pepper balls, and possibly rubber bullets. Also flash bangs.
Tear gas at Riot Ribs.
Federal police advance into a cloud of tear gas. They are not on federal property.
There are ribs on the grill at Riot Ribs! There’s still tear gas in the air. Protesters are beginning to return to the park from Main and Salmon.
And Riot Ribs don’t just serve ribs. They have pretty much everything ever.
A large, energetic group has returned to the parks and Main. They’re chanting, “Fuck the feds!”
It’s funny how for the past few weeks protesters have been screaming, “This is not about the Feds!!” and now everyone’s focus is totally on the feds. I haven’t seen a single PPB or MCSO officer tonight.
😷😷😷 If you’re gonna scream at me, please wear a mask 😷😷😷
I didn’t see PPB, but apparently Cory did! It’s hard to identify which agency is shooting if you can’t see them and they never identify themselves! 🙃
👀 Would anyone like to hold hands while we get tear gassed? 👀
The fence is being used to blockade the federal courthouse doors, same as last night.
There’s a baby goat here! In the early days there was a baby chick named Tendie and I loved her very much but she disappeared.
Protesters are now putting part of the fence back up. I think it’s to cage in these entrances so federal police can’t come out of them.
A protester recovered this pink munition.
There’s drums and tension and 217 people left.
That was a joke I didn’t count all the people here.
There’s now a small fire on the steps of the federal courthouse.
Riot Ribs is just chilling. This is all food and supplies.
Federal police come around the corner to rush and mace protesters on the steps of the courthouse.
Another tear gas attack and shooting from federal police.
Protesters use a traffic cone to extinguish a tear gas canister.
Protesters’ umbrellas make for interesting silhouettes.
The Breonna Taylor Memorial Vehicle (not an ambulance) retreats with protesters.
By the way, I can film that tear gas stuff because I have a respirator and goggles. Tear gas *hurts*! Protesters are coughing, crying out, trying to clear their eyes.
The air still stings but Riot Ribs is grilling! Protesters are making their way back to the federal courthouse.
I just overheard a group of protesters saying they had come down to support from Seattle! 👀
“Does anyone want a veggie plate?!” someone yells from the @riotribs tent. It’s 2:16 a.m.
🚨good boy alert 🚨 he was eating a bone
There are about 60 people left now. They’re milling around the park and on 3rd. I haven’t seen anyone messing with the fence or the courthouse doors, but I’m not looking very closely.
White person with an acoustic guitar alert 🚨🚨
An ambulance and fire truck drive past on 4th. It’s been quiet for a disturbingly long while.
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