The thing about what’s going on in Portland right now is that CBP are almost everywhere. Their jurisdiction extends within 100 miles of the border or an international port of entry , so for instance they’re in Kansas City, St. Louis, Nashville...
Granted, most are on the southern border. But they are one of the largest paramilitary organizations on earth, and certainly the most well equipped. And they’re entire ethos is based around violence. They’re essentially staged throughout the entire country.
These are poorly trained thugs who can’t get jobs in many other law enforcement agencies for a variety of issues, but thanks to substandard requirements get into cbp no problem.
For decades the govt has protected them from legal repercussions for domestic violence, rape, assault, and murder charges. Which has led to a sense of absolute entitlement to the use of any and all force they deem necessary.
There’s thousands of complaints filed against them every year, and the number that see even a slap on the wrist are negligible. Mostly that violence and terror has been focused on migrants, so nobody much cared, no matter how much some of us yelled about it.
But if you think the police going ham in the streets of America has been bad, sister let me tell ya. You ain’t seen nothing till the boys in green get completely let off their leashes
Basically what I’m saying is, don’t take this seriously at your own peril.
I should note that cbp, as far as I know, hasn’t invoked the 100 mile limit thing deep in the interior around airports, and have stuck to border checkpoint type things for international travel. HOWEVER, I’d never heard of them snatching random people off streets till now. So.
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