Art Twitter has been an absolute shit show over the past few weeks and I hate that. These are a few things I hope the folks who have smaller accounts take into consideration.
It’s okay to want more follows to have more eyes on your work. As someone that’s verified and has a larger following, I would be lying if I said that these factors didn’t contribute to me getting gigs. Most of my jobs came from people finding me on Twitter.
It bears repeating that this is MY experience. This isn’t necessarily the case across the board for everyone.
Bear in mind that having a large following DOES NOT necessarily translate into more sales on your online store or job opportunities. The visibility is absolutely helpful but there are no guarantees. These factors have helped ME personally but it may not be the case for others.
When you do have a large following, wether you like it or not, you have a responsibility to not punch down. You must be mindful of what you say. Wether you like it or not, your following could potentially act on your behalf.
If your audience acts poorly and harasses other users on this app or any other app, you have a responsibility to condemn them for doing so. You may not have asked for this kind of influence but now, you have it. Set the tone and be the example. It’s hard but you have to.
I’ll end with this.

You don’t owe anyone your time. Do what works best for your mental health. Respond on your own time.

However, you made the choice to engage on this app and you do have a responsibility to address the behaviors of your following. Model positive behaviors.
You can follow @OhHeyDJ.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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