A rational critical thinker says we don't yet know why Judge Salas and her family were targeted.

A conspiracy theorist says we do know, and it was about Deutsche Bank, despite having no evidence this far.

A QAnon conspiracy theorist just blames Hillary Clinton.
Of course the shooting is suspicious. All unsolved murders are. But until we know more than that, we don't know more than that.
It's staggering how many people solved the murder of Esther Salas' son in hours without talking to any witnesses or even going to the scene of the crime. And so many killers, too.
I've had equally impassioned tweets telling me that Trump ordered the hit, Hillary Clinton ordered the hit, Deutsche Bank ordered the hit, and Vladimir Putin ordered the hit.

It feels like it can't be all of them.
Judge Salas' husband, Mark Anderl, who was actually shot, is a well known criminal defense attorney in New Jersey. So there's a non-zero chance Judge Salas had nothing to do with this shooting at all. Just saying.
The "Deutsche Bank case" Esther Salas was presiding over was this: a suit filed earlier this week by investors pissed off about the fine DB paid in relation to money laundering compliance.

It really doesn't seem like something the president would order a hit over.
The more I think about the Salas shooting, the less I think it has anything to do with Deutsche Bank. How many times has DB been a party in civil litigation? I'd imagine hundreds. Hell, Trump sued them last year. How many judges in those cases have been rubbed out? Zero.
And who is even the mastermind of this "hit?" The investors who sued DB? DB itself? Why? Beyond that, the case was just filed - it'll be years before it goes to trial, if it even does. I get that anything involving Deutsche Bank #IsAConspiracyTheory, but let's take a step back.
According to a just-posted New York Times story, police have a lead on the Judge Salas shooter, who appears to have killed themselves. Maybe the guy was a lawyer who did contract hits for Deutsche Bank on the side?
Daily Beast has the Salas shooter: Roy Den Hollander, a men's rights lawyer who got right wing famous for suing NYC nightclubs over "ladies night," and was on Fox News.

Nothing to do with Deutsche Bank, Epstein or Russia - and all about Salas overturning the all male draft.
All of the internet sleuths who *knew* without doing any detective work that this *had to be* about Salas recently being assigned a civil suit involving Deutsche Bank and Epstein were wrong.

Stop listening to people who confirm your own biases, and start being more skeptical.
It's extremely depressing the degree to which conspiracy theories have broken our brains. Even when details about the Salas shooting made it clear that Deutsche Bank/Trump/Barr/Epstein/Putin had nothing to do with it, many people simply can't believe it.
From what I've seen, Roy Den Hollander hated women. His motive was likely to hurt a woman who was in a position of power over him - his upcoming court case with Judge Salas.

That's it. Not Russia. Not Deutsche Bank. Not Trump. "Just" irrational hate of women.
Yes, I'm aware that Hollander once lived in Russia and was married to a Russian woman.

He lived and worked in Russia in the 90's, returned to NYC in 2000, and divorced the woman in question in 2001 - a bitter divorce that likely sent him down the MRA rabbit hole.
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