I live with bipolar disorder every fucking day. I have been symptomatic since I was a teenager, possibly earlier (though that’s very rare). whatever that man is doing IS NOT PART OF A HEALED OR STABILIZED SELF.
there’s a thing about mania that makes me feel like stopping means I’ll fall apart. I don’t know if that’s where he is. I honestly stopped fucking with him altogether, save songs on @HH4LRadio, by the time “runaway” dropped. because I was disturbed by his whole shit.
I sensed that he wasn’t okay, and that it couldn’t be about the loss of his mama forever. that there were other things happening. I didn’t know how right I was. at one point, I didn’t care what he said or did because it wasn’t in the context of MH recovery. he’s not okay.
healing is a journey. sometimes we heal as much as we can and move on. MH recovery is about the illness, what happened to you within that illness, and how to live with it instead of ignoring or numbing it. that does not appear to be happening here.
someone — not just dickheads on the internet — is entertained by his behavior. someone who likely makes money off of it. that’s exploitation, period. the way that ppl are tickled by this shit really unnerves me.
I know for a fucking FACT this behavior wouldn’t be received as well if it came from a Black woman celebrity.
if you search maia campbell’s name on here, there will be any number of comments on how fine she “used to be,” and how her situation is a shame. she has MI. she’s likely been harmed during an episode. before it was all eyes on Black Twitter, I only ever saw jokes about her here.
look at how much room ppl keep giving Kanye. look at how they watch and indulge all his nonsense and harmful bullshit. this is how a lot of folks think of mental illness: it’s a shame but lemme get my laughs.
given that the world has slowed down considerably, folks are looking to be dazzled and entertained.
and there’s this thread I wrote barely 2 months ago: https://twitter.com/dopegirlfresh/status/1264737727322480642?s=21 https://twitter.com/dopegirlfresh/status/1264737727322480642
conclusion: he isn’t okay and it’s not for our entertainment. just because he is an entertainer, doesn’t mean his VERY GLARINGLY OBVIOUS MH CRISIS IS FOR OUR CONSUMPTION. have some goddamn respect.
all of his red hat nonsense, the slavery was a choice thing, the fixation on slavery in general is related to the hyper focus of mania. I say this from personal fucking experience. please know he’s not okay AND his politics are fucked.
he can’t get better if he does not understand his needs as someone with bipolar disorder. accepting the diagnosis is foundationalz. he not accepting SHIT. he’s probably frightening the ppl closest to him.
his wife, like the partners/ family of a lot of ppl who aren’t following treatment plans, is probably scared out of her goddamn mind. anyone would be. he’s not okay.
the problem: staying because you’re scared they’ll hurt themselves doesn’t mean they’re gonna magically have clarity about the situation and what it means for others. it’s really hard to see.
man the shit I have done when I was manic. maaaaaaan! I’m still remembering shit from TWENTY YEARS AGO.
ten years ago. five years ago before I got on meds.
muting him isn’t gonna change the fact that he’s falling the fuck apart in front of the entire world. and ppl think it’s FUNNY
lemme put it like this: pre meds, I had manic episodes and tweeted through them. I am someone who ppl look to for information/ insight. I tweet about justice, wellness, culture, etc. just because I don’t tweet genocidal bullshit doesn’t mean my mania is “okay.”
mania is dissociative. it functions differently than depression. but it’s still about not being present.
I’m so angry. because I’m hurt. the ableism that ppl employ when engaging with mental illness fucking gets us killed. consistently.
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