1. Just gonna share some thoughts on the word "racism"

Let's start with the fact that it's a made up word and concept and it was not a thing 100 years ago

It's a creation of Jish media
2. Here's an "official" definition of the word but it is not honest or accurate

"Racism" is a hostile Jish anti-White propaganda term and as such the Js will never be honest about it so it shouldn't be taken at face value
3. The previous definition states that "racism" is the belief that a particular race has superior traits to another one

Here's why that's not true
4. If you grab a person brainwashed with "anti-racism" propaganda (liberals/leftists/etc) and you say

"Whites are genetically more intelligent than blacks" that person will instinctively call you a "racist" and get offended
5. But if you tell him "blacks are genetically faster runners than whites" the person will not feel offended and he will not religiously call you a "racist"

As a matter of fact he will probably be happy to agree with you
6. This shows you that the "anti-racism" brainwash is TARGETED towards one group

As such the honest/accurate definition for "racism" would be "believing that European people in particular are genetically superior in some way"

Even if the official definitions don't say so
7. Anti-racism brainwash is essentially "human equality" brainwash

And this brainwash says that any existing racial inequalities are created by the "privileged" (IRL superior) group through "oppression" https://twitter.com/readmystuffplz/status/1280651327668916225
8. According to this brainwash whites have "oppressed" blacks to create the differences between black and white populations that we observe in real life

Therefore there is now a score to settle in order to achieve "human equality"

This score is settled by punishing the whites
9. As explained in other threads this brainwash is based on an irrational, socially mandated belief in "human equality"

In other words a religious belief that all groups of humans are equally capable from birth regardless of race or anything else https://twitter.com/readmystuffplz/status/1269814539874336771
10. The people brainwashed with this propaganda have been made to feel/believe that there is a score to be settled against white people because white people created racial inequality

Therefore they instinctively reject anything which they feel increases the "inequality"
11. At the same time they instinctively accept anything which "settles the score"

This is why if you say "whites are superior to blacks in X way" they call you a racist but if you say the inverse they will happily agree
12. This is why if you say "whites should move into Africa" they will call you a "racist"

And if you say "blacks should NOT move into Europe/America" they will also call you a "racist"

So why this double standard where does it come from
13. Why do "liberals" believe that Whites moving into non-White lands and displacing non-Whites from their territory is "racism" and evil but the opposite is "multiculturalism" and good
14. This is because their entire brainwash is based on worshiping "human equality" and fighting "inequality"

And they have been programmed with the notion that White people have undeserved "privilege" from creating inequality by oppressing non-Whites and bringing them down
15. As such they instinctively accept oppression against White people because they feel it evens the score and restores "equality"

And they instinctively reject oppression against non-Whites because they feel it creates more "inequality"
16. This is why "liberals" (people brainwashed with Jish equality propaganda) will furiously reject anti-POC ideas/statements but will happily accept anti-White ideas/statements
17. I have watched white liberals IRL say things such as:

"blacks should kill more White people to be honest, settle the score a bit"

That same person would have furiously yelled at anyone who said the opposite
18. I'm being repetitive but it's very important to understand and expose the basic structure behind the brainwash that people refer to as "liberalism" or "progressivism" or "leftism" or "social justice" or whatever

It's all just Jish "human equality" brainwash
19. So to recap, the whole concept of "racism" is TARGETED against one group (European people)

TECHNICALLY discriminating against any race is "racism" but IN REALITY only discriminating in favor of Whites will get you called a "racist" by the people brainwashed with the concept
20. I like to call this brainwash "inversion magic" because it creates a psychological need in people to create real-life counter-oppressions (upside-down/inverse) to the oppressions they are shown in the media https://twitter.com/readmystuffplz/status/1242991786760572929
21. When White people are constantly shown movies and documentaries and news stories about slavery and nazis and racism (oppression against non-Whites) this creates in them a need to give concessions to non-Whites and allow Whites to get systematically shit on by society
22. The people brainwashed with this bullshit are what you call "liberals" but in truth "conservatives" are almost as much as brainwashed and they have had so much racial guilt implanted in their brains by Js that they are willing to go extinct in order to not get called "racist"
23. Some people try using the word "racism' against the liberals saying "woah woah you are oppressing us based on our race this is the very definition racism" but of course that does not work

Because the "anti-racism" brainwash has been targeted against one particular group
24. Here's another "official" definition of the word "racism"

I like number 3, it says "hatred or intolerance of another race or other races"

Here's why that's a J mind trick
25. You see, nobody hates a different race that lives a thousand miles away

I do not give a shit about the Taiwanese for example, and I won't waste my energy "hating" them

What people get angry at is when Js import millions of racial aliens and force you to live next to them
26. For example, if the Js imported 1 million Taiwanese into my neighborhood and I started feeling like a foreigner in my own country then yes I would probably go "holy fucking shit these Taiwanese I can't stand them here they need to leave"
27. But this is not irrational "hate" as the Js like to tell you

This is simply a SURVIVAL INSTINCT

Because any tribe of people that allowed a different tribe to invade it and displace it from its territory would GO EXTINCT
28. Of course the Js are tricky bastards

First they teach you that "hate" is bad and that "racism" is wrong and if they can they also outlaw it

Then they import one trillion invaders into your homeland and now you can't complain because it turns out "hate" is not allowed
29. "Hate speech" laws are essentially a gag so that you can't complain or scream for help when the Js proceed to demographically rape you

They would never allow you to do that to them in Israel
30. Let's analyze point number 2

"A policy system of government based upon such a doctrine of discrimination"

This is another bullshit J trick definiton
31. Any country or nation or identity must be EXCLUSIVE by definition

Any nation or tribe that is not able to "discriminate" between insiders and outsiders soon ceases to exist because it gets invaded or just blends away with the surrounding populations https://twitter.com/readmystuffplz/status/1280349282781011968
32. And again this definition of "racism" is targeted against Whites

It means that European people are not allowed to have countries

No "liberal" would call the Chinese "racist" for having a government that wants China to be Chinese
33. The entire concept of "racism" is based on "human equality" brainwash that is asymmetrical and targeted against Whites

Read those other threads to see my attempt at explaining the structure behind the brainwash and how it works
34. This is why it pisses me off when "conservatives" say

"Hurr durr they are discriminating against us based on our race. This is 'racism' and it is wrong ha ha"

No it isn't you fucking retards
35. Not only is discrimination/oppression against Whites NOT wrong, it is GOOD

Inside the minds of "liberals" (the people brainwashed with Jish equality propaganda), oppression against Whites fulfills their psychological need to settle the score
36. Therefore not only is oppression/discrimination against Whites NOT racism, it is the exact OPPOSITE of "racism"

It is counter-racism

It is INVERSE "racism"

And the upside down of bad is good
37. Of course the Js can't tell you this in their official definition of the concept

The Js can't explicitly admit

"This definition of racism as a concept must only be applied to screw over White people"
38. Things are not always what Js say they are, because they are liars who admittedly "wage war through deception"

When the official definition of some J propaganda term smells fishy you need to stop and analyze it yourself
39. If the definition of "racism" was discrimination/oppression against a group based on their race then the people brainwashed with anti-racism would get angry at anyone who discriminates against Whites
40. Yet not only do "anti-racists" NOT get angry at anti-White oppression/discrimination, they actually accept and promote it

This shows you that anti-White discrimination is NOT "racism" even if they do not officially explicitly admit this
41. And in order to understand this double standard you need to understand the structure/mechanism behind the "human equality" brainwash which I have described in this thread and others
42. Continuing this thread with more thoughts on the word "racism" and what it represents

As mentioned you cannot accept J's definition of this word because they will not be honest about their genocidal brainwash word weapon that they are using to destroy European civilization
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