I feel like a lot of skeptics' irritation and anger about supernatural beliefs and practices rises from the spurious belief that people work with a cohesive model of the world in their minds, so any supernatural beliefs will significantly affect that model in all facets of life.
But that's not really how people work. People compartmentalise everything into different bits and pieces.
Don't get me wrong, it's totally reasonable to be mad at people who say crystals cure cancer and shit like that. That stuff is actually dangerous.
But for the most part, believing in ghosts or chakras or astrology or whatever isn't going to negatively affect people's actions when it really counts.
Also, a lot of people use rituals for grounding and healing for psychological benefit, not for supernatural effects. I know people who pray even though they don't think prayers get answered.
I do my own brand of witchcraft even though I don't believe in the supernatural, because I need ritual in my life that isn't self harm.
I've even had therapists recommend that I use rituals to cleanse parts of my home where traumatic events occurred.
Not all witches practice solely for psychological benefit, but I think more do than people think.
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