As I read this I am pretty sure actual smoke came out of my ears. Any critical thinking person could have predicted this in week 1 of the COVID shut down. I certainly did. And yet...
Our gov has persistently failed to do anything to address this. So yes, RBC it is bad for the economy to systematically exclude half of the population. It always has been!
But in this moment we have seen laid bare the values of the racist, patriarchal, capitalist system we're living under. Governments are willing to risk lives for "the economy" but not provide meaningful support for the workers in the sectors hardest hit.
Women & families will continue to be told that the need for care is their own problem to solve with the scarce resources within their own households. And that will mean more women "falling out of employment". They didn't fall. They were pushed.
In NS the economic stimulus plan being put forward is almost entirely construction contracts; spending in male dominated industries with limited return on investment. You know what beats the ROI on construction hands down? Investment in child care. We know this. Have known this.
This is not about economics, it is about ideology & politics. The current system is misogynist & COVID just pulls the curtain back. Every hand wringing piece I read about women being set back 30 years fills me with rage. We know how to fix all this. Those in power don't want to.
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