COVID Update July 19: I asked people to send one photograph & a short caption that best summarized their life during the pandemic.

Here are a few of them. Feel free to add at the end of the last tweet.
Like father like son.
I haven’t been allowed to hug my 98 year old grandma since March.
Love from a distance.

Continues here
This is my husband missing our daughter’s 9th birthday because he was in isolation.
Family time and sourdough.
Our daughter lives in a group home. This is as close as we can get to her. We haven’t hugged or kissed her for months.
I miss my parents who both passed away this year.
CT scan of the first patient I was with COVID-19. I was exposed.
BLM protest etiquette.
My son, the class valedictorian at his drive through graduation ceremony.
Going to my only daughter’s wedding on Zoom. Happiness & deep sadness at missing the day.
Fifth birthday party via Zoom.
I’ll come out when it’s safe.
Home hair care.
For 13 years since infancy we struggled with my son’s kidney disease. Now COVID+ and the story has changed.
Grandparents are gone from Florida in the nick of time but we can’t hug.
Being in full PPE to sit with my dying father.
My daughter having a visit with her grandparents in March.
Fourth of July balancing risk and fellowship.
190 masks we sent to Kenya.
Playing tic tac toe through the window with cousins.
My dad has health issues and I learned to cut hair from TouTube.
Still waiting to have a funeral for my dad who died from COVID-19 in April.
My mom and aunt, depression babies, don’t quite have the mask figured out, but happy in the moment.
I saw this while walking the dogs. We can and should keep going.
A ton of work, water, sun, and hope.
These were just a few of the many I received. Add yours below if you like.

These times are hard but I hope you find meaning & contentment and remain confident that we will carry on. /end
You can follow @ASlavitt.
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