Today was the first day in a while I have been to central birmingham. This thread will detail the three predatory incidents that occured. Police were involved with the final one and I'm fine so no need to worry. It's time to discuss the normalisation of the predation of women. P1
The first incident was when I was waiting for the bus. Two white men shouted out me from their van. I didn't hear what they said because I was listening to music.

I then had a meeting and all was good and I was in a good mood.

I then went and did some writing in a cafe. P2
I needed the toilet and there was a young white man waiting so I went and stood behind him. He asked my name so I told him. He then asked if I had a boyfriend. I said no. This did not mean I wanted him to hit on me. I don't know why he assumed it did. P3
He then asked me for my number (which is fine). I said he could follow me on Instagram, obviously uncomfortable, I didn't want to give him my number. He said he didn't have social media and continued to ask for my number. I wish I had just said no but I gave it to him. P4
He then said "are you gonna give me a kiss then". I was honestly horrified. Who asks for a kiss off a stranger in a queue to the toilet? I said no, went to the toilet and went back to writing, I was fine.

The third incident took place on the train on my way home. P5
I've had to give a statement for 2 hours about this one so forgive me if I get lazy with it.

I got on the train and sat down. A drunk white man approached me and sat on the seats opposite me.

Same as the last, he asked me if I had a boyfriend and then for my number. P6
I said no to both this time. Why do these guys think that "no" to having a boyfriend means they are free to harass? Can't they just respect single women?

Anyway, I tried to ignore the drunk man and put my earphones in.

He continued to stare at me for over 5 mins. P7
I text my family GC because I was uncomfortable. My mum called me and told me to go to a carriage with more people.

I got up to leave but his legs were in the aisle so I couldn't get past.

I politely asked him to move his legs several times so that I could get past. P8
He just ignored me and continued to stare at me so I had no choice but to step over them.

As I attempted to step over him, he grabbed my legs and wouldn't let go. I told him not to touch me and forced myself away and walked down to carriage where more people were. P9
I found new seats and thought he would just leave me alone. After a minute or so, he had followed me.

I told him to stop following me.
He said "I will f*** you" I said "no" for him to say "yeah, I will".

At this point, I was actually scared and was desperately trying to make eye contact with other people on the carriage. It was clear that I was being harassed and was incredibly uncomfortable, but people were CHOOSING to ignore it. P11
I was still on the phone to my mum at this point, so I was just looking out the window while she was telling me to relax; all the while, this man was staring at me while sitting right next to me.

I turned and asked him to stop staring at me. P12
He responded something along the lines of "you should be grateful... Its your pussy" or some other gross drunken babble.

Luckily, at this point, a nice polish man noticed I was uncomfortable and came and sat next to me. I thanked him for sitting next to me. P13
After about 10 minutes of silence, the drunk man still staring at me, he begun putting his plastic bag on the chairs opposite me. He reached in front of me to pick something up and took his other hand and tried to grab my face. P14
I grabbed his wrist and told him not to touch me. The polish man stood up and blocked the isle for me to go to the next carriage. The drunk man started to try and fight the polish man.

I was very worried and upset at this point and went to try and find help. P15
In the end, the train stopped and the police showed up and arrested the man.

The point of this thread was to show the reality of being a woman in the UK. I know it's worse than this in other countries but it still isn't excusable.

Why is this seen as "the norm"? P16
For me, the most horrifying part of the day was when other people on the carriage could see what was going on and no one stepped in to help (apart from the polish man but this was later on).

Why is harassment against women so common that no one bats an eyelid?
I'm pretty nervous about this thread because I know that some people will think that I'm attention seeking. But I'm tweeting this so people are reminded that this is considered normal. Its expected for women to experience this on a daily basis and we have had enough. P18
Those who think the patriarchy doesn't exist are wrong. It does and it's incredibly damaging.

I'm LUCKY that I wasn't r*ped today. Why is that luck?? It should be expected that I can go to central birmingham and not be sexually assaulted. P19
For reference, to those who think clothes matter, here is a picture of what I was wearing today:
Sorry of this was very wordy or there were grammar mistakes, I'm honestly just tired. ✌️
Wanted to address my white privilege in this situation:
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