I was #adopted 36 years ago today, when I was two, and my parents just told me something I had never heard before, that I was a gift *they* *gave* *themselves* for their wedding anniversary...
And like, thank you, but:
#Adoption is not a gift you give yourself, it’s a responsibility you choose to bear.
An #adoptee is not a gift, but a person who cannot be given, received, or owned. Only taken responsibility for.
I mean, my kids (who are not adopted) are no gift. They are givers and receivers of love. They need to be free to give and receive love that is not demanded of or forced upon them.
And raised this way so that they can continue to give and receive love freely and take responsibility for the love they freely give and receive
Anyway, I love my parents, I just wish they knew how to love in the absence of the self
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