thread of yuta moments i think about alot
starting off with this video of yuta blessing himself after sneezing
taeyong being cute and yuta rolling his eyes at him 😭
yuta was praising hyuck’s cooking skills and then the camera panned to hyuck almost lighting the kitchen on fire
“im in miami bitch”
yuta pushing his catboy agenda
yuta rubbing his nippels on national tv
yuta meeting his fans 😍
“i’ll leave it to your imagination”
this right here 😭
when johnny talked about how yuta cries when he’s stressed and yuta’s in the back dabbing
when yuta said ncc instead of cnn at neocity..his “sorry guys” 🥺
panicked when he saw a bug
yuta scolding a bug
when he lead the dancebreak
yuta blasting pussy fairy on vlive$-!-😭
when yuta panicked when he realised he has rapunzel after saying he prefers cats over dogs 😭
when yuta said he believes in ghosts
got shy when fans called him cute in the airport 🥺
him just being clumsy <3
wait i almost forgot yuta jamming to trap music in a kids store
ignoring a white nctzen who tried to speak to him in’s the “yuda” for me 😭
yuta’s “shy shy shy”
i had to include this!!! taeyong comparing his ass with yuta and jaehyun 😭😭😭
yuta just standing
here’s some yuta vocals to bless ur ears<3
okay dis doing a lil sumn yutazens follow me!! also vote for yuta on thekking and stream his white cover on youtube nowww
while you’re here stream his white cover on youtube!! we need to get it to 2M before his bday!!!
yuta saying “te amo” out of nowhere
today i offer you yuta belly button piercing
here yuta was trying to explain his ear piercing with hand gestures but realizing it’s kind of......
when yuta’s ring rolled into izone’s yena hand and sakura and johnjae couldn’t stop laughing @ him (wizones if ur seeing this follow me im wizone too 😁)
ok here’s a repost ( op went private)of yuta blasting pussy fairy on vlive
i might mute dis so my twt won’t fry itself but if ur still here please vote for yuta on thekking app 😽
You can follow @yutajoons.
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