Let's take a look at some of the pitches being made to lawmakers, as they return to DC to open debate on the next coronavirus relief package, which could range from $1 trillion to $3 trillion. A massive sum. First up bankers want forgiveness for small business loans up to $150K
Military contractors--led by trade group whose members include Boeing and Lockheed Martin and smaller firms--pushing Congress to set aside money to reimburse them for Covid-related costs. (Letter to long to include with all signers)
The US Chamber of Commerce wants LIABILITY PROTECTION for businesses when they reopen, so they can't get sued by employees if they get sick, among EIGHTEEN (!) pages of requests. LONG LIST. https://doctools.newsdev.nyt.net/documents/72253-200716-us-chamber-of-commerce-phase4package-coronavirus-congress/read?displayMode=image
American Airlines has told as many as 25,000 employees they will get laid off/furloughed UNLESS they can help convince CONGRESS to extend airline industry bailout. Urged employees to join lobbying effort. Talk about an incentive to get politically active
The US Travel Association--representing a range of travel industry players--it wants so much money I am having a hard time adding it up. It is $10s of billions.
A group calling itself Independent Restaurant Coalition--led by folks like José Andrés, Naomi Pomeroy, Kevin Boehm, Nina Compton--is pushing for $120 BILLION just to bail out restaurant industry..
This is one of my favorites. Remember the last recession? Caused in part by residential mortgage backed securities. Well guess who is looking for a bail out now. Real estate industry and commercial mortgage backed securities.
I could go on for hours with letters like these. But then I would lose what is left of my Sunday. You get the picture. Will be fascinating to watch all these players maneuver to get their cut of the available dollars. Musical chairs. Many will lose.
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