We've tested a total of 47,098 residents, with a 3.78% positivity rate and a total of 12% of our population has been tested. Positivity rates continue to trend downwards as the County increases testing.

We're proud to surpass our goal of 6,500 tests a week, reaching 8,575 tests.
While our metrics are looking better overall, we're seeing a case increase in residents ages <35 compared to residents >36. The average age for residents who test positive for COVID19 is trending downwards.

This data is cause for concern and we'll continue to monitor the trends.
It is vital that we hold ourselves personally responsible for the well-being of our community and we must adhere to State guidelines to avoid any reopening setbacks.
Physically distance, wear a mask, wash hands.

For more COVID-19 information, please visit https://bit.ly/3b5vqOO 
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