Sometimes what a book needs is a total, complete rewrite. Not a revision, not moving commas around--a rewrite.

I mean a total restart, where you break something down to its bones and build it into something new and alive and beautiful.

It's painful, but worth it.
Why are we so precious about words we hate? Is it the fear of the blank page, of starting over? Maybe it's not good to hold onto words we've poured over for months with an iron grip, even when they don't feel right.

If that's how you feel, it could be time to start fresh.
And the thing is, you can always go back. Maybe by starting a new path, you'll even realize the one you were on before was the right direction, all along.

Or maybe you'll discover something unexpected and beautiful. But don't be afraid to try something new.
I've been stuck on what I've affectionately termed "Haunted Riding School Book" for months. I've been frozen by personal expectations, market fear, imposter syndrome.

But yesterday I started over from scratch, and I glimpsed the joy of this book again. I'm going to run with it.
This took off! I have nothing to promote. Keep supporting Black authors.
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