Instead of Indian Matchmaking Season 2, I would like @netflix to devote an entire season to breaking down the pain and damage Season 1 caused South Asian communties. Think of it like the series Explained but from a restorative justice angle. Here are eight episode ideas. 1/6
1. Brahminical patriarchy & caste oppression
2. Intergenerational wealth accumulation & the invisible, exploited labor forces that sustain it
3. Mysogyny, heterosexism, & bodily & queer/trans violence
4. Mental health, shame & domestic & familial abuse
5. Transnational & regional forms of anti-Blackness & colorism
6. Dispossession histories of enslavement, indenture & informal/waged labor
7. Kinship investment, marriage economies & women-headed households
8. Transregional & local movements for equity & political freedom
Each episode could be a whole season and countless more are on deck. Multispecies violence, middle class indifference, peer pressures, fetishizing the poor, the list goes on. 4/6
I had to convert my pain to snark to survive first few episodes. Finally, I let the pain sink in. As a repeatedly stigmatized divorced woman, witness of domestic violence as a child & adult, & friend who lost a family friend to suicide b/c of the pressure to marry. 5/6
There are brilliant, dynamic people who do work on these important issues, @netflix. Talk to them. Do your R&D. Beyond poor cinematography & editing, & choppy storytelling, the show’s content was damaging & harmful. Do better. 6/6
You can follow @MythriJega.
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