0/ Thoughts generated by GPT-3 on running a startup from some of my past tweets. A thread...
1/ There are many ups & downs, as you grow. Learn to become the calmest one in the room in the toughest moments. People will be looking to you for direction. Be aware that you aren't any more important than they are but you are more visible.
2/ Getting a startup off the ground takes everyone. Your team is the best part of your startup. They will become your family. Learn from them & share with them. Also, check your ego at the door. You can’t be perfect. You will make mistakes. Fix them.
3/ I try & remember that I’m not an expert in everything. I’m not smarter than other people. I just work harder at what I love. Don't assume what you think is important will be important to others.
4/ Get out of the building. You will learn everything you need to know about your customers by talking to them, spending time with them.
5/ Don't rush to try to fix every problem as they come up. Things take time to fix & it’s important to know when something really is broken and requires an overhaul. It’s also important to know when it’s a minor thing & you just need to know how to handle it in the short term.
6/ The great thing about having a board is they help you take your blinders off.
7/ As the company grows you will have to make many decisions that are not solely based on results. This is hard. Try to not fall into the trap of rationalizing based on who you know/are friends with.
8/ Building a company isn't just about the product. It's about the users, team, investors, media, & partners. Making strategic decisions about what you prioritize can be the difference between a company that grows fast or one that stalls.
9/ While growing, you will constantly have to re-evaluate what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, & whether you’re having a positive impact. I did this by constantly comparing the beginning of each year to the previous.
10/ Make your environment as non-hierarchical as possible. People should not be dependent on you. Make an environment where anyone can step up if they see an opportunity to move the ball forward.
11/ When you do something awesome, enjoy it. When you make a mistake, learn from it & move on. Have a few people close to you in the company that you can confide in. They will help you enjoy the hard times & remind you to learn from them.
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