Any news outlet who allows journalists to say (unquestioned) that there's no evidence wearing a mask lowers the risk of infection, when the scientific community almost unanimously says it protects others...

You will have blood on your hands.

1⃣ @TheLancet is pretty much the top scientific journal in the world. Here are their findings.
3⃣ The World Health Organisation say masks should be worn wherever you can't keep a distance of a metre, even if you don't have symptoms.
4⃣ @TheBMA represents 150,000+ doctors across the UK and say masks should be worn in all circumstances where social distancing isn't possible.
5⃣ F***ING DUH!
This is a RESPIRATORY disease.
Masks cover the two places from which you RESPIRE!

The disease is spread by water droplets when you speak, sneeze, cough & breathe. A physical barrier on your nose+mouth will OBVIOUSLY reduce your ability to spread it to others.
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