Self-love: A thread ✨💗
People say “love yourself” but forget to say how. They also forget to include the fine print.
If there was no space for autonomy to be cultivated growing up, starting now can be a grueling task but very VERY rewarding nonetheless.
The how: deliver tasks daily for the body, mind and spirit. Look at each section as jars that require daily input and maintenance. It’s okay if you don’t FEEL anything while doing it, just pretend it’s a checklist that needs to be checked off.
And on days you don’t feel like filling those jars, and just want to curl up into a ball and forget your own divinity that’s okay too.
Eventually the inner joy will show up. You’ll look forward to it. Once it’s a routine, you won’t feel right breaking it. Do the things you like, even if you don’t really like it right now. Just try. If it’s writing, get a sentence out, if it’s painting, dust the canvas off..try.
If you’re not gonna do anything, try that too. There’s answers and clarity in just doing nothing. You get the most clarity when you sit in your emptiness.
Show up for yourself daily. In the most trivial mundane tasks, if you’re present it can be a self-love ritual. Your inner child will thank you. This whole time all they wanted was you.
The fine print is it can be really fucking boring, it gets too quiet, the loneliness can be excruciating. You’re not going to WANT to do it. But you know when you give someone your word, you show up anyway cause you care about them? Do that for yourself.
It’s not easy. You won’t have rainbows coming out of your ass, but just like relationships with others takes work so does the one you have yourself. Especially the one you have yourself.
You can follow @_moimichelle.
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