Here's Putin's timeline to destroy our country... (1/2)

Demoralization takes 15 to 20 yrs

Destabilization takes 2 to 5 yrs

Crisis takes up to 6 (SIX) weeks

Normalization is when a country is taken over living under a new ideology and reality.

Our Democrat Congressional leaders need to step up immediately.

Stop sending letters requesting investigations and end this!!
When Mitch said he would still be the leader if they lost the majority, people shook it off and laughed. If we don't end them now, our democracy, or what's left of it will turn into an autocracy. Why are they trying to leave NATO? Letting this pandemic rage, killing our soldiers
Everything that's happening is no accident. The people who still don't see facts have been fed disinformation since Reagan the Fairness Bill.

Mitch and Barr have the most power right now.
It was Rachel Maddow. Scroll to the 6:30 part!!!

Bill Barr taking over the courts.

Watch "William Barr 'Decapitates' Third U.S. Attorney's Office Looking At Trump | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC" on YouTube
A timeline by one of the many observers on how Putin has done this.
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