I like Faucci, but how did the media anoint him "the nation's top infectious disease doctor" He's an excellent lab virologist, good at science lessons on dist & hygiene but he missed this pandemic-never warned the US 1/1-3/ 15 as many ID docs were pleading for disast preparedness
What he says is not wrong, it's just that he speaks in generalities and for the 2.5 months before the shutdown, never once said we need more PPE, hosp expansion, testing reagents, contingency planning for businesses, or simply say anything like: America, get ready for the storm.
He's a very kind man, generous with his time, cares about others, and a darling of the medical establishment, but he puts his pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us. I respect him a lot, but respect many I.D. docs, and would not call him the top I.D. expert in the country
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