Kbands have existed long before your 3rd gen faves debuted, but i guess we’re not ready for that conversation.
The first rock band in korea, Add4, was formed in 1962, with heavy psychedlic rock influences. The guitarist shin junghyeon was imprisoned at one point & music got censored during park chunghee’s administration in the 1970s, during which bands such as sanulrim rose to fame
1980s were dominated by heavier bands such as boohwal, baekdoosan, magma and sinawe (in conjunction to the rise of hard rock & heavy metal in jp with x japan). Moving on to early 1990s, bands took on a more punk-ish direction, giving birth to “chosun punk”
“Chosun punk” was pioneered by indie bands such as no brain and crying nut, as major labels mostly produced dance/pop music. Late 1990s saw underground rock spreading its wings with the emergence of hardcore punk and alt rock bands such as guckkasten and jaurim in the scene
Bands such as yoon do band (YB) also emerged during this time, followed by mc the max in 2000, spawning the hits kpop idols often cover on shows such as yu huiyeol sketchbook
Mid 2000s: the birth of label-endorsed (read: idol) bands with ballad rock tracks. Names such as buzz and ftisland emerged during this time along with trax. No, your 3rd gen faves weren’t factually the first idol band. Case closed
P.s. the impact that shin junghyeon’s psychedelic rock style had on today’s korean rock is undeniable. Indie bands such as jannabi, guckkasten, hyukoh, the black skirts, hoppipolla, and jaurim have evidently experimented with a lot of psychedelic elements in their songs
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