I think the problem with this debate is it morphed into something different.

There are people defending Lincoln Project's help in this election, which is not necessary.

Of course it's great they're helping. I never said otherwise. That's not the argument we are having.

These people are inadvertently taking the side of other people arguing that Lincoln Project's larger goal- ridding the GOP of Trumpism and restoring it to its former glory- is a cause Democrats should support - financially - in the name of democracy.

Which is highly ironic considering GOP has been systematically dismantling democracy for the last 30 years.

More than likely, these are former GOP who came our way when the party got to extreme. That's why they want it back the way it was.

And the people berating me with cliches "the enemy of my enemy" 🙄 don't even know what the argument is about.

So I need to stop engaging on this.

I'm going to do my best.

But the number of people donating to LP- and defending this practice - is tragic. https://twitter.com/SallyAlbright/status/1284173396784357382
GOP in whatever future form it takes will need voters.

They need voters who are currently with us.

It's a zero sum game

Rebuilding/Restoring GOP comes at the expense of the Democrats.

Think long and hard about whether this is really what you want to put your money towards.
4 types of people making this argument:

1- Don't know what the argument is about

2- Embarrassed/Defensive that they donated

3- Too young to know how bad GOP was before Trump

4 - Former GOP who would love to switch back if GOP goes back to "normal"

This is a great thread that everyone should read - https://twitter.com/TCFKA_NCSteve/status/1284154747012952065
To those who insist Lincoln Project won't use their money and talent against Democrats -

Which are you going to believe?

Promises they make in their fundraising letters?

Or documents they file with FEC?

Because they don't match up.

8/ https://twitter.com/CheriJacobus/status/1284143132725129216
This is what I'm starting to think - a lot of these aren't even Democrats, they are Republicans who share Lincoln Projects goal - taking their party back.

9/ https://twitter.com/patrickscott_72/status/1284358468149940225
I truly don't understand why this isn't the only argument people need to hear - Lincoln Project has access to unlimited funds. They don't *need* donations.

10/ https://twitter.com/ACDMLS/status/1284361716307054593
They certainly don't need money from Democrats that would be better used to support vulnerable Democrats, promising House and Senate challengers, and Joe Biden.

Donate to Joe Biden/Democrats Victory Fund here:

11/ https://sallyal.ink/BidenDems 

12/ https://twitter.com/CheriJacobus/status/1284501736821084163
Thread of pull quotes from the article

14/ https://twitter.com/SallyAlbright/status/1284581673842204677
There are far better operations making far more effective ads. If that's your thing, donate to @MeidasTouch

15/ https://sallyal.ink/Meidas 
If you think Democrats don't know how to go for the jugular, check out this ad from @pixiemenace

16/ https://twitter.com/pixiemenace/status/1283223209500966912
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://twitter.com/donniecash818/status/1284583412901150720
Also, I think a lot of people are under the impression that Lincoln Project represents a constituency of voters, similar to Tea Party or Justice Dems, or that Lincoln Project=Never Trumpers.

In fact, they are a PR firm, it's like 6 guys. Very wealthy guys getting wealthier.

So when people say, "don't alienate people we need" or "we need every vote we can get" it makes no sense, because "Lincoln Project" is not people or voters.

There is no one out there getting offended when we say "Lincoln Project is not on our side, don't send them money."


24/ https://twitter.com/ApexAnimalLover/status/1284661608783007744
Via text -

"Sally, the people getting offended are Democrats addicted to their LP Trump trolling fix and you're the narc trying to get their drug dealer busted."

I think she's right. Because none of the justifications people give are even true.



26/ https://twitter.com/Brokenstill50/status/1284671772579815424
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://twitter.com/ClistonBrown/status/1284305259423076352
Re-upping this (admittedly disjointed) thread from yesterday - chock full of logic and broccoli and receipts about how Lincoln Project spends their money.

Please Read and Retweet

28/ https://twitter.com/SallyAlbright/status/1284341931049459713
Math lesson:

John has $10,000.

John spends $50 on a project.

Sam gives John $200.

Sam did not "help fund" John's project.

Sam just gave John $200 to put in his pocket.

Stop donating to Lincoln Project.


I've gotten lots of push back on this from Democrats who have donated or plan to donate to Lincoln Project

According to my mentions, these Democrats fall into roughly three categories:

The first group does not believe Lincoln Project will go back to fighting Democrats.

They think the guys behind this PR firm have renounced conservatism, are "seeking compromise and common ground" and will keep helping Biden and Democrats after the election.

This is wishful thinking.

There are plenty of receipts in this thread that demonstrate otherwise.

Yes, I know they have made promises. There is no law that stops them from promising you the moon so you will donate. There is no reason to think they will do what they say.

These guys have not had a "change of heart."

They are not suddenly pro-choice, pro-ACA, pro-immigration, pro-government spending, pro anything we care about.

They attack Trump on his character and competency.

They are fine with his agenda because it is THEIR agenda.

They want Trump gone because he has mishandled their agenda. He makes conservatives look bad. He has destroyed the party of conservatives and the conservative movement.

They want to rebuild, and they need him out of the way to do it.

Biden is just the battering ram.

They may have renounced racism and embraced civil rights, but make no mistake, it's not because they have "seen the light."

It's because racism, their ace-in-the-hole for 30 years, isn't working anymore.

This is progress, but it's progress on OUR part, not theirs.

2nd group say things like "we need a healthy two-party system" and "democracy needs checks and balances" and "a strong GOP helps Democrats" so donating to Lincoln Project is about reaching these goals.

Nuts, right? I have a hard time believing these are actually Democrats.
Yes, the first two things are arguably true but that's not why Lincoln Project is trying to rebuild.

It is not the responsibility of Democrats to help their opponents grown strong again.

This is not Fellowship of Christian Athletes. It's not about the integrity of the game
How do you "rebuild/revive" a party? You convince people to support that party, donate to that party, VOTE for that party.

Voters who support the new and improved GOP in whatever form it will take, are hard-won voters who currently vote with Democrats. It's a zero-sum game.

A stronger opposition means a weaker Democratic party. Anything they regain comes at our expense.

I don't see how anyone can argue that empowering our conservative opposition and their conservative priorities is good for democracy, or good for anyone.

I suspect those who share Lincoln Project's goal of restoring a pre-Trump GOP left GOP because of racism and extremism and would love to go back if the radical base stops saying the quiet parts out loud.

They wax nostalgic for Bush and Kasich, ie. Repubs who can BEAT Dems.

Third group says "I like the ads. I don't care what they do with the money, I want to reward their effort."

And that is the ENTIRE point. That's how they get you.

They have fed you a drug that temporarily taps into deep-seated desire, gotten you hooked. Now they own you.

This. https://twitter.com/Robertsixto2/status/1284923714753253377
They have convince you that they have joined our fight.

They are capitalizing on your blind rage and hatred towards Trump.

They have made you believe that they are our best hope for removing him.

It's not true.

Yes we want Trump gone. They want him gone for different reasons. You think that doesn't matter, but it does.

They aren't doing what you think they are doing. They aren't targeting voters. They aren't "changing hearts & minds."

They are fixing their own mess at our expense.
Our best hope for getting rid of Trump, and Trumpism, is to ELECT DEMOCRATS and support them.

Electing "good" Republicans for a "stronger GOP" will only make things worse.

If we just cut off their head (Trump), a smarter, better one will grow back. Better for THEM, not us.

You might tell yourself you'd rather go up against Mitt Romney than Tom Cotton, but that's ridiculous. All you're doing is making things harder for Democrats.

Trump is the symptom, not the problem.

The problem is the conservative movement.

We have to kill it until it dies.
Trump needs to go. Full stop.

But relying on Lincoln Project tactics to remove him is the wrong approach.

We have to beat him by electing Democrats.

Otherwise a new Trump will grow back in his place, and there will be no Lincoln Project next time to take them down.

I know you love the ads. These guys are the best in the business. The ads are excellent. They are anti-Trump porn.

Enjoy them. Jeer when he stumbles down the stairs. Make fun of his small penis.

I know it makes you feel good. I'm not trying to take that away from you.

Lincoln Project has barely spent any money during its six months of existence, and most of what they have spent has gone into their own pockets.

Biden campaign: $45 million
Trump campaign: $31 million
Lincoln Project: $2.5 million

50/ https://twitter.com/SallyAlbright/status/1284661296609337344
They aren't "better than Democrats" or "the only ones doing anything." You only think that be these are the only ads you see

Biden's ads aren't on Twitter. They aren't on MSNBC talk shows. They air on broadcast media in swing states where actual undecided voters can see them
So, yes, it's great the Lincoln Project guys are working towards the same goal instead of using their considerable talent against us.

But that only lasts until Nov. 3, no matter what they promise you in their fundraising emails.

For the love of god, stop sending them money.
At best, your donations are buying third lake houses for a bunch of rich guys.

At worst, they will be used to take down down-ballot Democrats in the midterms, and against Joe Biden (or whoever we nominate) in 2024.

If you have money to give, give it to Democrats.

Don't say, "I can donate to both"

First off, I don't believe you.

More importantly, those donations just cancel each other out.

Here's a link to donate to Biden and the Democrats through the Victory Fund https://sallyal.ink/BidenDems 
Please understand Lincoln Project is a PR firm and a PAC.

It is not a faction. They don't have a constituency.

They aren't like Tea Party or Justice Dems.

They don't represent "voters we need who Sally is turning off."

It's a handful of rich guys who don't need your money
Here's ANOTHER amazing ad from @votevets

Do not try to tell me Democrats don't know how to do it.

Please Retweet



Donate here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/vv2020 
You want anti-Trump porn? Check THIS out!!

Courtesy of @pixiemenace

She has decline my offer to solicit donation.

You can donate to Biden and the Democrats in her honor here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bidendems

Please Retweet

59/ https://twitter.com/pixiemenace/status/1283223209500966912
Everyone keeps saying, Sally, be more positive. Offer suggestions for alternative groups and candidates we can donate to.

This is me doing that. And I'm going to keep doing it.

But you have to do your part too.

I can see hate mail is still flooding in.

"You're off base SALLY!! Beating Trump is ALL THAT MATTERS. We can worry about beating Republicans later!"

Later, when they already have all our money and data.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

61/ https://twitter.com/SallyAlbright/status/1284130032332558337
If you're this angry at me, think about why that is.

I'm just some girl trying to win elections.

I'm not "attacking and opposing" Lincoln Project or saying we shouldn't let them help

I'm saying, Donate to Democrats instead. They need money and will put it to far better use
You're lashing out at me because you've been manipulated on a primal level. I'm a threat to the anti-Trump fix you crave

Except I'm not. Lincoln Project is still going to make ads.

I'm saying, it's not enough.

Amazing thread by @TCFKA_NCSteve with more:
That's it for now.

Please think about what I've said.

Please RT and send me suggestions. I'll add more later.

I'm staying out of my mentions. What I said might make you angry and uncomfortable but I don't deserve this level of ignorance and hate, and I'm not going to read it.
You can follow @SallyAlbright.
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