We’ve started the most awesome lockdown odyssey. Watching every single #TomHanks movie, because if Tom Hanks isn’t in a movie, is it worth watching.
We are excluding anything that relates to a Dan Brown book obviously. #evenTomHanksmakesmistakes
First up this evening has been the classic Forrest Gump. It doesn’t get better than this, this film appeals to everyone and is just amazing and timeless. I could watch it again and again. Timeless #TomHanks
Husband then wanted Saving Private Ryan. Cue discussion on why this film spawned a thousand porn film names. Bloody awesome film though but required a lot of IMDB research re #TomHanks and cast involvement in Band of Brothers and Pacific.
Curious as to why there are no British in Northern France at that time. I know for a fact my granddad was there but you’d not guess it from this film.
Let’s see what tomorrow brings #TomHanksOddesey
Ok, we watched The Money Pit. Love it, a film that could have only worked pre 90s/00s house price boom. Can’t believe how young #TomHanks looked. Husbands hated it though. This has now raised an issue for the #TomHanksOdyssey namely are we going to be purist and watch everything?
I’ve said yes we have to watch everything especially Sleepless in Seattle and You’ve Got Mail. His point is that if we can decide not to watch any of the Dan Brown ones then he should be able to veto romantic comedies.
There has been some heated debate, things have been said by both sides that we need to apologies for. The upshot is that we are going to do the #TomHanksOddysey properly. It means we have to watch the Dan Brown movies too.
Nether of us want to but if I’m keeping Sleepless in Seattle then there can be no vetoes by anyone. It’s a price I’m willing to pay for Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan rom coms.
Not happy though #DanBrowncantwriteforshit
Anyway, next in The Post and I’m going to have to concentrate. #TomHanks this had best be good.
Loved The Post but realisation that Mery Streep’s awesomeness has now surpassed her and in every film she is Meryl Streep and not the character. Love her though.
The Post is very pertinent in the Trump era. Recommend for everyone who hates that administration. #TomHanks is of course awesome.
Have you been missold a #TomHanks film? I think I have. Tonight we have watched The Circle on the #TomHanksOdyssey. I felt I was promised Tom Hanks but got Emma Watson. Not that she isn’t fabulous but I needed more Tom Hanks in this movie.
Or maybe it didn’t as Tom Hanks as a slight evil tech boss or anything nasty is just a bit wrong for me, he is too nice. Anyway, dystopian future that isn’t far fetched enough now done with, we are moving on to A Hologram of a King. No idea what to expect from this .......
Love Hologram for a King. Not sure what I expected from this but certainly not a love story! How did this pass under the radar when it was released? Highly recommend to everyone who loves Tom Hanks (aka everyone).
Although I did get ticked off with all the risks that any seasoned traveller knows are ridiculous things to do, like are you totally chuffing bonkers? And so onwards with the #TomHanks #TomHanksOdyssey
Tonight was Castaway. I really thought this would’ve aged badly but still bloody good. Have realised Chris Noth is unsung hero in this, poor man puts up with some shit. Also really need to know what happens with wings lady. It’s like unfinished business #TomHanksOdyssey
I’m realising we should’ve had some order to this, it’s all a bit random. We are going to end up doing all the other 80s ones together. Ah well, too late now. Just one film tonight, a long day tomorrow that not even a #TomHanks film may be able to fix.
Not that it matters, this thread is the Twitter equivalent of shouting into the void. Ah well, I’m happy with it.
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