@aaronnarraph DMs me, says he is working for @janosmarton on 2021 races; then shares a spreadsheet about the races w/ “racism allegations” next to my name; I privately DM them both to say it is wrong to equate differences of opinion with unsubstantiated false allegations. 2/10
I have been a public defender for over 20 years and worked against DA Morgenthau and Vance. The DA is an incredibly important job. I expect DAs to be particularly vigilant about truth and standards of proof. They should require the same of people they employ. 3/10
As a public defender who defends mostly POC, I know how crucial it is to demand proof when seeking justice. My difference of opinion with some about how to improve education for all NYC public school kids is not proof of anything other than a difference of opinion. 4/10
@aaronnarraph reacted to my private request with a public attack and name-calling. He has yet to offer proof of the accusations he made against me. 5/10
@aaronnarraph also misquoted me. Accuracy is essential for those working for DAs. I did not say white privilege is “not real.” I have never said those words. I said it’s a “simplistic narrative” when talking about how to best educate students. Misquoting is lying. 6/10
Fact is schools like Beacon, which use the multiple measures for admissions (an approach favored by the chancellor), are nearly half white and more affluent than most NYC High Schools, but… 7/10
SHSAT schools like Stuy, BxSci and Brooklyn Tech are majority POC and have higher percentages of students living in poverty. Complicated narrative, see? 8/10
We should be able to talk about these issues without trying to destroy each other. That is what I try to do. 9/10
Addressing systemic racism in our justice system and school system is vital and necessary work. Finding and building allies who may not agree with you on the finer points of how to reach shared goals, like reducing mass incarceration or improving our schools, is a must. 10/10
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