Something I notice when people say something about a show like "<seemingly simple thing in beginning> lead to <seemingly unrelated thing> later on!" (and sometimes it makes sense) is when there's always someone who goes-
(pt 2 next tweet)
- "That's a bit of a reach. For example, you could reach all the way back to the Big Bang. Just doesn't make sense"

..? Well that's a little weird don't you think?

(pt 3 next tweet)
- Let me construct a situation here. Let's say I dropped a penny and then it fell into a puddle, and then the puddle started rippling and then the ripples ended up spilling elsewhere. Could I then say that me dropping that penny lead to that small spill? Or (cont.)
- would you just say "Oh, nahh it was just the Big Bang, don't worry about it"? In that situation it sounds dumb. Anyways that's the end of this thread.
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