⚡️Introduction to Numerology⚡️
How can I benefit from numerology?

Numerology is primarily a self-help to use to gain greater insight and understanding into your inner being and true nature. It reveals aspects of your character and personality in a way that is fresh and inspiring. Despite the fact that it
requires a lot of math, it gives you a new vantage point from which to look at yourself; one with greater distance in perspective than many other self-help systems and offers insights into various cycles, opportunities and challenges that you have or have yet to experience.
What information do I need to do my chart?

All I will need is your date of birth, your full name as it appears on your birth certificate, and the name you go by today (which is usually a shortened version of your birth name or if you’re married, your married name).
What is the effect of changing my name?

While the influence makes itself is felt in a subtle way from the day you change your name, the change cannot be complete until the new name is fully integrated in you. Legally changing your name is not as important as how much you use it
what is the philosophy behind numerology?

The premise of numerology is that life, in the universe as a whole, is an orderly system, in the numbers reflect the orderliness. Numbers are by definition orderly. When we confront the question of numerology, we are facing the same
dilemma that we all face with the larger questions of life: is there meaning and order to life, or is it purely a random and chaotic universe?
Life Path: Your Life Path number gives you a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges, and lessons you will encounter in this lifetime. It is the road you are traveling. It is derived from the total of all numbers found in your date of birth.
However, it is important to keep in mind that the aspects described in the next few chapters will either complement, supplement, or sometimes weaken the attributes revealed in numbers derived from your name.
Birthdate: Your birth date indicates some special talent you possess -- a gift to you that will help you along your Life's Path. It gives us an indication of the approach you will take toward the goals, opportunities and obstacles you encounter on your Life's Path.
Expression: It represents a lifelong target at which you are aiming -- your inner goal and the person you aim to be. You work at fulfilling this potential every day of your life.
Heart's Desire: The inner you. It reveals the general intention behind many of your actions. Consequently, it dramatically influences the choices you make in life.
Personality: Your Personality is like a narrow entrance hall to the great room that is your true nature. Your Personality number serves as a censoring device in terms of what you send out, as well as whom and what you allow to approach.
For this reason, your Personality is usually narrower and more protective in its definition than the real you. It also gives an indication of how others perceive you.
Maturity: will indicate an underlying wish or desire that gradually surfaces at around age 30 to 35. A direction begins to emerge as you gain a better understanding of yourself. With this self-knowledge comes a greater awareness of who you are,
and the direction you want to set for your life. This will gradually surface as you gain a greater awareness of who you are, what your true goals in life are, and what direction you want to set for your life.
Rational Thought Number: It reveals the style or process you use when making choices or considering a problem. Your Rational Thought number suggests the general approach you take in your thought process.
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