There is no epidemic of interracial violence in either direction no matter how much partisan media tries to create it with anecdotes...
NYT op-ed page ran a video promoting the idea that black people should buy guns out of fear of white supremacist violence, which is about as common as a lightning strike. Meanwhile videos like the ones Matt posted encourage white people to buy guns out of racial fear.
Now what happens with all those guns people panic buy, well they increase suicide rates mostly. So people just get themselves killed.
Nothing wrong with responsible gun ownership but if you're someone who doesn't understand how to use a gun and are primarily buying one out of fear, don't have training, develop paranoia, it may not end well.
It doesn't mean there aren't *incidents* of violent hate crimes, but those incidents are rare, and panicked overreaction like buying up tons of guns that will be used in suicides or common homicides is an overreaction and a deadly one too
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