Once again, even if the committee had found a violation, this case is hard to explain to voters unless you’re some kind of comptroller and/or a lawyer. #ma3
There’s been a coordinated effort by conservative activists targeting first-term Democratic women in Congress. They ran Katie Hill out for being in a shitty marriage. They wanted to run out Lori Trahan for being in a *good* marriage. #ma3
expanded unemployment is about to sunset, a third of people can’t make their housing payments, kids are losing reading and math gains, there are paramilitary federal agents in the streets, so maybe, just maybe, WE COULD FOCUS ON SOMETHING THAT MATTERS FOR PEOPLE’S LIVES #ma3
I’m sorry to scream in this thread, #mapoli #ma3 friends. I’ve always thought this issue was whatever idiom you prefer for something overblown. I believe that even more now.
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