Paying the second half of my tuition and fees for the summer and let me tell you I am just oh so happy to hand over $1000 (total) to the university to pay for dissertation hours in the middle of a pandemic. What, exactly, am I paying for right now?
Is it for the privilege of doing TA training for the fall but not getting paid for it?
Oh wait, I know! It’s for the distinct honor of not using university facilities for the past few months.
No, that’s not it? Maybe it’s to help the state-funded university get back on its feet while I qualify for food stamps.
Real glad I’m paying $250 in fees for that gym I can’t use, that financial aid I’m definitely not receiving, and to keep the university WiFi running during these difficult times for @UCF
Or maybe, just maybe, @UCF requiring students to remain enrolled over summer (once in candidacy) without a tuition waiver was always a blatant cash grab with no purpose except to extort broke students who have no choice but to follow the rules or risk throwing away their future.
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