Instead of blindly defending your racist friends, how about we put that energy into educating them and holding them accountable
SCPS does not reprimand racists. If you are a minority that went to a school in stafford county you know that not only do the students get away with racist remarks, but so do the teachers.
It’s not our job as poc, women, lgbtq+ ppl, to go out of our way to protect ourselves from harassment and hurtful comments that are thrown around all day long. SCPS does not provide a comfortable or safe environment for students to report these issues, and...
When they are reported, nothing gets done about it.
I encourage every minority that went to a stafford county high school to share your stories, so these complacent ppl defending their racist friends can gain some perspective on what it’s like navigating the world when you are considered less than
I also forgot to mention ableism. I have seen autistic students being harassed and bullied multiple times, infront of teachers and nothing was ever done about it. We can all do better
I’ve personally had a teacher question if I could speak English because I’m middle eastern, another one that said I’m “behind compared everyone else” because I grew up in the Middle East (even though she knew I’ve been speaking English my whole life).....
I’ve had someone yell “Islam is a disease” as they wear walking past me in the hallway (Connor makee and Dylan Ryan, both in the video) and Dylan Ryan has treated me like garbage when we were in English class together junior year Bc he can’t fathom being decent to a Muslim.
And my experience is absolutely minuscule compared to the horror stories I’ve heard from my friends. Fuck SCPS.
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