1Sam5: Ecumenism. Syncretism. God will NOT share His glory with another. He is not merely the first among many gods, He is the ONLY God.

Dagon falls on his face before the ark- *Every* knee shall bow (Phil2:10). Even the demons (Deut32:17) know that God reigns supreme over them.
God cuts off Dagon's head:
Dagon is brainless and unknowing. God is omniscient.
Dagon is unseeing. God is a God of seeing (Gen16:13).
Dagon is unhearing. God is the Lord who hears when I call to Him (Ps4:3).
Dagon does not speak. God speaks that His servants may hear (1Sam3:10).
God cuts off Dagon's hands:
Dagon is powerless to create. God is the creator of the universe.(John1:3)
Dagon is powerless to do for his people. God saves, leads, provides for, and protects His people.
Dagon is powerless against the enemy. God's *hand*(v.6,7) is against the enemy.
How often do we put our trust in our powerless, unseeing idols who care nothing for us, sleeping with the enemy, instead of putting our trust in the almighty God of the universe who cares so much for us that He gave His Son for us?
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