Stock photos of busy parents on the computer, rated for realism:

1: Mom has both hands on computer, child seems to need no supervision at all. Work is getting done. Mom is even smiling! This sucks, 2 out of 10.
Computer is open but not being looked at, only one hand available. Triple tasking: baby, phone, writing. Baby seemed horrified by mom's grant pitch. Pretty good, 8/10.
I love this one because the mom isn't even talking yet the child isn't listening, High Art. Computer is open but clearly nothing is happening. 9 out of 10.
Even when not speaking, the Gaze of the Other is sending us into madness. Very good. 8 out of 10.
This was going to be rated lower because work seems to be happening but the child is on the phone so Realism. 8 out of 10.
"I assigned my son the manuscript as 'homework' and he found a typo I'm gonna have to call you back." 7 out of 10.
I can only assume this is "posted on social media that I'm my son is keeping my busy and now checking how that's doing", to which I say 9 out of 10. Points docked for child seeming to be chill with all this.
Caption is "busy dad working from home" lol where are the kids even 1 out of 10.
Left hand on computer only able to press 'A' and caps-lock, multi-tasking work while eating while watching kids, one child on phone but still needs attention, other one having melt-down. 10 out of 10 well done.
Great initiative to have the kid fix the code but the smiles are undercutting any sense of realism 6 out of 10.
Of first few dozen relevant images for "busy parent computer stock photo", 64% were mom and kids, 20% were dad and kids, 4% were both mom and dad, 12% were kids on their own The End.
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