TW: trauma stuff

i don’t actively talk about my personal life or my mental illness on here very often but i am so tired of seeing this “traumacore” shit. yes, i understand how it can be used to cope but at the same time Romanticization Isn’t A Healthy Coping Mechanism.
it’s EXTREMELY fucking triggering to be peacefully scrolling through my ig and all of a sudden see reminders of what was done to me. not only does it trigger flashbacks but it also causes me to dissociate sometimes and both of those things alongside many other symptoms are Scary.
it’s so fucking frustrating because i’ll be having a good day where my trauma’s on the back burner and all of a sudden i’ll see shit about being assaulted pasted onto a picture of hello kitty and it sends me into a spiral of flashbacks. it’s almost infantizing it in a way??
yes i can block the hashtags but that isn’t the point. especially when the tags are combined with other aesthetics that are NOT trauma related, i’m not the only one getting triggered by this whole traumacore thing. and it isn’t as easy as scrolling past.
seeing shit like that and it being captioned with “if you’re easily triggered just scroll past” is the equivalent of driving past my abuser’s house. it’s the same as hearing one of my trigger songs, all it takes is not even a second of it playing for me to spiral.
i don’t mean to bombard the TL, i’m just frustrated and really fucking tired of seeing PTSD being romanticized, and it’s for so many more reasons that it just triggering myself and others. i might come back to this thread when i’m more able to articulate my frustration.
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