If you feel women don't belong as fans in the wrestling community unfollow me right now. Some of the most wonderful and intelligent fans i know are women, and also dear friends.

There is no place for misogyny, mansplaining, gatekeeping. Not now, not ever.
While we are at it. It doesn't matter how long a woman has been a fan of wresting for, who her favorite is, what promotion she supports etc.
You have no business talking down to the opposite sex and putting them down just because of YOUR fragile ego
Just because you can name every ECW World Champion, still believe Hogan to be the second coming of Christ himself (despite a lot of evidence to the contrary) and loved bra and panties matches DOES NOT give you the right to demean, sexualise and dehumanise women fans.
OK. Let's make an example here i am a huge teen drama fan and still love One Tree Hill and The OC.
These were made by male producers and showrunners, however they were generally aimed at young women in their teens and older.
I do not hit the demographic
However in that fandom I have NOT ONCE been talked down to because I am a 29 year old/straight/male and have been accepted even though I dont hit the intended target audience.
1) women fans need to be treated with more human decency and respect within our fandom. No excuses
2) we need more women to be in creative teams, writers, agents, promoters
3) You, a male, disagrees with what a woman says does not in any circumstances entails you to degrade, swear and sexualise a woman who is a fan. Just because they don't fit who you think a fan should be
If YOU dont feel women are creative, nor bring anything to the fandom or as a business. I would happily like to direct you to the door that I will then throw you out of.
If you dont feel women are creative or artistic at all (excluding wrestling) then i would want you to seek some help to change that perspective. Because that couldn't be further from the truth. You want an example? Russian Doll on Netflix. All women creative team/show runners
I don't know how I am going to end this. But if you come after my beautiful and wonderful women friends I have made through wrestling with disgusting comments. I will back, support and fight against you and all your actions.
You will be held accontable
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