I’m really trying not to be the annoying contrarian that everyone hates, but my questions about the chaos in Portland remain unanswered. For example, if the government kidnapped those people, how did several of them end up back out last night in time to give news interviews? https://twitter.com/opb/status/1283882468118913025
And when the guys in camo took the bystanders into custody, they didn’t even attempt to pat anyone down. That’s highly unusual. The people who were detained also seemed to know the “officers” were heading for them as soon as they stepped out of the vehicle. How?
Fascism looks like a lot of things. It can often look like cops (marked or not) brutalizing people, but even more often it looks like destroying the truth and replacing it with complete, unquestioned power — creating a new reality based on total domination of the past & present.
Fascist lies also involve instilling fear in the populace to obstruct opposition movements and terrorize people into accepting “law & order” solutions just to feel safe in the chaos.

We’re already seeing “return to normal policing” as a suggested solution in Portland...
Fascist politics seeks to get people to disassociate from reality so they stop looking to the world around them as an anchor of truth. Instead, people are encouraged to buy into a narrative of a nation in decline & a need for a strong leader to restore safety, order & prosperity.
So the reason I’m pushing so hard for more information & independent verification of the Portland videos is not because I don’t believe the Trump administration is capable of such acts — it’s because I know they’re capable of those acts, and much more.
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