one extremely distinctive thing about how i personally write @rustlang is that i genuinely believe that nearly every program can be simple/boring assuming you invest enough time in thinking about it upfront
when i run into a space where i'm needing a ton of lifetime annontations, in particular, i just stop and turn around

it's a signal to me that i'm thinking about the program in a non-rusty way and that i should go back to the drawing board
this is not 100% always true, there are a very few programs that require a ton of special rust features to be expressed

but they are super rare, at least in *my experience*
a lot of people talk about the "fighting the borrow checker" experience with rust

i empathize for sure, but i also strongly encourage folks- DONT FIGHT. it's grumpy for a reason, re think your program

it's often easier and (more maintainable!!) to just rethink your program
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