Okay, ✋🏼 if you follow Prajakta Koli ( @iamMostlySane), the Indian YouTube sensation! With 5.5 million subscribers, Prajakta is known for her comedy videos and for using her platform to bring attention to important issues, like the #iPledgeToBeMe campaign which tackled body...
...shaming and mental health.

Prajatka currently stars in the short film, "Khayali Pulao" on YouTube, which follows the story of a young girl named Asha who is arguably the smartest in her class but has a sudden desire to join the handball team for a match celebrating...
...Republic Day. The film was written and directed by Tarun Dudeja ( @DudejaSahaab) and produced by @OneDigitalEnt. They did a great job in telling Asha's story from her perspective -- as the audience always knew why she wanted to join the handball team while her family and...
...friends were left scratching their heads.

Without spoiling the plot, I can say what really struck me was the emotion Prajatka conveyed, often silently, as her character experienced the joys, disappointments, and heartbreaks along her journey. Ultimately, the film is...
...about breaking the stereotypes and boxes society assigns us, e.g., girls can be smart AND play sports.

While I can't relate with the desire to join a handball team, I can completely empathize and connect with wanting to do things that the world says you can't. As a...
... physically disabled person, the first thing someone will bring up when I want to try something new is "How will you do that?" with a tone that makes it clear they don't think this is for people like me and I should stay in my own lane.

The big takeaway is to live your...
...truth, follow your dreams, and other clichés that add up to doing what you feel is right for yourself!

Please do watch "Khayali Pulao" !

Post by @kavita1010

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