Pratihar Dynasty:Gurjer, Bhoj and Adivarah
After losing battle with Pals, Pratihar took shelter in Western desert. They revived again under Nagbhatt and took over Kannuaj.
Nagbhatt was great warrior offered stout resistance to Arab rulers who were trying to capture
Rajasthan,Gujrat and Panjab.
Malwa was another interest area of Pal, Pratihar and Rashtrakut.
Raja Bhoj is said to be real founder of Pratihars. In 836 he recovered Kannauj and made it capital of Pratihars.
Rana Bhoj tried to invade Magadh(Bihar) Gaud(Wb) Jyotishprasht(Assam)
but got defeated by Devpal.
Raja Bhoj took over Central Bharat and Malwa and defeated Rashtrakut.He took over Narmada to Satluj.
Raja Bhoj was dotted devotee of Shri Vishnu. He got the epithet of "Adivarah"
Many beautiful temples were built in Gujrat and Kannuaj under his rule.
Raja Bhoj launched many coins engraved Varah and Shri Vishnu.
Raja Bhoj died in 885 and his son Mahendra became the ruler.
Mahendra extended his empire over Magdh,North Bengal, few parts of panakb and Kashmir.
Pratihar were Patron of learning and litrature and art .
Author of Kavyamimansa, great Sanskrit poet Rajshekhar was grandson of Bhoj.
Many scholers of Pratihar went to Baghdad where introduced science and Art.
Between 915 to 918 Indra a Rashtrakut ruler took advantage of interest shift of Pratihar to East of Bharat and attacked
Kannauj and captured it. This weakened Pratihars.
By 963 Krishna, Rashtrakut ruler captured Gujrat which was epicenter of trade with Arabs. This lead to complete dissolution of Pratihars.
Al-Masudi in his book said that Pratihars had best cavalry and war skills in Bharat.
Ref-History of Rashtrakutas and their times
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