Some Batswana are great at coming up w/ ideas & solutions but terrible at getting things done; Others are great at getting things done, but have 0 creativity. Some just want to work & not run a business, while some ar meant for it.

These are traits you shouldn’t be ashamed of. Nor let that hold you back. Use them to excel & build one another. With a much better & accessible CEDA skeleton, it’s better to own 30% of something rather than 100% of nothing! [2/ ]
Whether you prefer employment over entrepreneurship or vise versa, you are equally deserving of accessing all the opportunities that help people achieve financial advancement, freedom, growth & securing wealth, even if it means just watching your investment from the stands. [3/ ]
Most elders & those before us didn’t do enough, & they allowed “others” to form private economy silos without them, because they were too busy watching each other’s plates, instead of helping each other eat, build & point out economic parasites. [4/5]
Let’s be the generation of Batswana that collaborates with one another. No competing or colluding against each other — just a pure endless cycles of teamwork, association, collaboration & trust, to build impenetrable homegrown markets & empires. [5/5]
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