a balochi guy crying because a girl on the internet. someone hold me lmaooooo here are some stats on gender equality in Balochistan so he knows why we call them trash https://twitter.com/droshumbaloch2/status/1283825129080987648
1) Only 18% of total women in Balochistan have been to school. Just a 9% of that are allowed to study after 12th. Illiteracy rate of women is the lowest in Pakistan. Balochi girls are often not sent to school because it’s not “honorable” or mostly they’re just married off
2) 6 out of 10 girls in Balochistan are married off before the age of 20. That’s 60% of GIRLS who are married off before 20 while the percentage for men in just 9. Most of these girls are married to men older than 30-40.
3) Balochistan has the highest rate of women dying due to child birth. Zero healthcare, and most of the times they’re just teen girls who get pregnant by old men and they’re forced to get pregnant by their in-laws.
My own cousin who was married off at 14 of age has had 6 miscarriages. She has been so close to death but her parents and in-laws don’t care they just want grandkids. It’s pretty common in Balochistan.
4) 60% of the honor killings in Balochistan are of women. This stat is from 2018 and mind you honor killings are RARELY reported so the actual rate is even higher. As sad it is, it’s almost every week or so there is a honor killing of a girl and no one is allowed to talk about it
5) Acid attacks, one of the most common thing in Balochistan. I don’t have any stats for this one but according to the news I watch daily it’s almost everyday. Mostly in quetta where random men on bikes just throw acid on women walking on the streets.
These are just few I could find. There’s sexual harassment by the members of family, theres mental pressure of studying hard other you’ll get married off a random guy, and so much more.
In Balochistan, women are considered “honor of the family” and one small mistake of a girl, as small as talking to a random guy on street, could cost her life in the name of honor. Girls in Balochistan are not allowed to walk freely, not allowed to be friends with the-
opposite gender, not given the chance to chose her own career path, not allowed to chose her style of clothes, not allowed to have social media’s or post their pictures, basically women in Balochistan are treated like slaves.
It’s sad because balochi women are always on street marching for the missing men in Balochistan by the army while our own men ignore the oppression we go through daily. Balochi men are fuckijg trash and I’m ashamed to have such men in my own family.
I’m a proud Baloch but I’m not blind. We are oppressed in the name of “our balochi culture”. If this is the culture then I don’t want it. I’m proud of the language I speak and the doch I wear but not the traditional rules you all have kept for us.
With that being said, men are fucking trash. If that offends you more than what’s happening to us then just fuck off.
I didn’t made thsi because I was pressed. I made it so people can know what’s happening to women in Balochistan.
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