types of stans got7 would be if they were on stan twt; a thread
- rarely posts; ALWAYS rts
- when he does post it’s probably a meme
- has a skinny ratio
- probably the aesthetic type moot
- has lots of people in his dms
- blocks people if they unf
- always on this damn bird app
- oomfs swear he doesn’t sleep
- when he tweets he uses lots of emojis / emoticons
- intimidated by people easily
- makes everyone feel at home once in their mentions
- hype beast
- always tweeting about random ass shit
- really funny and makes u smile easily
- intimidating but only cuz of his layout
- annoys the SHIT out of his close oomfs (in a good way obv)
- probably accidentally leaked his private info once
- barely uses twitter but still somehow gets on ur tl
- on stan twt, but seems like a local
- if he’s on twt he’s posting himself
- VERY intimidating
- gives literally zero fucks what you think about him
- probably got cancelled
- kinda like mark but 10x cuter
- posts about his dog all the time
- asks oomfs if they’ve eaten yet or had a good day 🥺
- literally a big babie
- gets lost easily on twitter
- tries to fix problems between oomfs
- literally your funniest moot
- barely rts anything; shitposts a lot
- probably tweets too much about his life
- he gets added to gcs, says hi, and then dips
- interacts with everyone he sees on his tl
- blocks oomfs as a joke and forgets to unblock
- kinda like jackson
- posts a lot about his fit for the day
- really funny but seems intimidating
- has literally the best sense in fashion, can make your trash outfit into a model fit
- probably famous but tries to interact with everyone
- tweets blow up

um idk i was bored and thought it was a good idea, don’t take anything i said the wrong way i love these boys so much this thread is all for laughs 👍
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