As Christians we've been given God's nature. He made us to function like Him, yet we do not see many Christians exhibiting the virtues of the Christian life. Why? Because they haven't been transformed yet. This thread is about the system for transformation.

#RhemaThread 👇
A Christian is one who is born of God. The moment we accepted the Lordship of Jesus Christ, a spiritual rebirth took place and we became the offspring of God. That means He made us just like Him; with His nature and abilities. Ephesians 4:24 says that the new man in Christ...
...is created, in the image of God, in righteousness and true holiness. This is very true. Now the question is, how come we don't immediately see a person exhibiting this new nature the moment he gets born again? The answer to that question is in Romans 12:2.
There is a renewal of mind which we must consciously and intentionally undergo in order to live the Christian life. The Bible, in Colossians 3:9-10, says that we have put off the old man and put on the new man, who is renewed after the image of His Creator through knowledge.
The renewal takes place through the Word of God. We must allow God to change our thinking with His Word, but this doesn't happen by just passively reading the Bible or listening to messages. There is a process that leads to transformation. That's what I'll show you today.
Let's start by looking at the scripture, 2 Corinthians 5:17. This verse gives us a perfect depiction of our new birth experience. I want you to notice something in the last part of the verse after it says "old things are passed away". It doesn't just go on to say "all things..
...are new". If it said that, it would mean we would have no role to play in ensuring that we start to walk in newness of life; but it didn't. The verse says, "BEHOLD all things are new". That means if you don't start to consciously SEE all things as new, you'll still be...
...experiencing the old things that are supposed to be passed away. This is the first step in the transformation process; SEEING. Okay, so now the next question is what are these new things you're supposed to see, and how do you start seeing them? When you get born again...
...you stop functioning with the senses. You must start seeing through the lense of God's Word. The Word must become your new reality. Therefore, you must stop looking at what you see around you and start looking at what God says concerning you (see the unseen)- 2 Cor.4:18.
Until you see it, you can't live it. 2 Cor.3:18 tells us that as we behold the glory of God, we're transformed into that same image. That means, everytime you study the Word, you shouldn't just read or cram scriptures; you should see yourself in the scriptures that you read.
After you see what God has shown you in His Word, the next step in the transformation process is to RECKON. To reckon is an accounting term. It means we perform a reconciliation. In accounting, a reconciliation is done between two accounts at the end of a particular...
...period to ensure that the accounts agree. That is, to ensure that all transactions that took place between two parties have been correctly recorded. For example, at the end of the month, a company can perform a reconciliation with its bankers to make sure that the...
...end of month bank balance is correct. The company has a cashbook where it records its bank transactions, and at the end of the year, the balance in its books may be different from the bank statement balance. This is because certain direct entries by the bank, such as...
...bank charges, may not have been entered in the company's books and therefore its balance will differ from the bank statement balance. In this case, the company will have to prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement, and make the necessary additions and deductions to ensure..
...that its balance is correct. This is the same thing we must do with the Word of God. We must prepare a "Life Reconciliation Statement". Whenever we see something that the Word says we are or have,we must make that addition. Whatever the Word says we aren't must be deducted
This is what Paul was telling us in Romans 6:4 when he said we should reckon ourselves dead to sin. He was telling us that now that we're in Christ, sin is not apart of our nature so we should make that reconciliation and take it out of our "account". Until you make that...
...reconciliation, you will be walking around with a "false balance", because during our "salvation transaction" with God, He removed sin and gave us righteousness. We must reconcile our account to ensure that it balances with God's account. That means that we must add...
...everything that God added to our lives during the "salvation transaction" and deduct whatever He deducted. Until you do that, you'll continue to think that your account balance is in the negative (because you're functioning with the senses), while God has given you...
...a full account (all things that pertain to life and godliness). This reconciliation is very important if you are going to live the Christian life.
After making the necessary adjustments and reckoning, the final step in the transformation process is to WALK/LIVE(Romans 6:4)
After we see who we are in the Word of God, and make the necessary reconciliations, the final thing to do now, is live out this Christ-life that we have. Paul calls it "walking in newness of life". This is how we live by faith (Roman 1:17). Knowing who we are in Christ, we...
...live as such. God's Word says we're rich, so don't live your life with the mindset of a pauper; live as one who is rich. God calls us victors and overcomers; don't let any challenge make you think otherwise. Face life with confidence because you're living by the Word.
When we discover and accept who we are in the Word of God, the Holy Spirit empowers us to walk in the light of who we are in Christ. Philippians 2:13 says, "it is God who is at work in you both to will and to do His good pleasure". He gives us the grace to live the Word.
That is the beauty of Christianity. The Christian life is lived by grace, through faith. God has given us His Word, and the Holy Spirit to enable us live the life He's called us to. It's not by might, nor by power; it's by the Spirit.
The Word of God is the building material for the life of faith. As you study and meditate on the Word, SEE, RECKON and WALK in the light of who you are in Christ. That's how your life moves from glory to glory.
Make a decision to consciously build your life with the Word.
You can follow @KobbyStewart.
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