UGHHHHHH men, ima need you to listen.

If a woman says she feels self-conscious/bad about a specific thing about her body, DO NOT counter that by saying “well, I personally much prefer u this way because I hate girls who are shaped like xyz (usually said in a derogatory way)”
Firstly, you just added to bodyshaming. You are no better than the original person who body shamed her. You hurt other women shaped the way you just shamed, and you hurt the woman you’re talking to by implying you need her to look a certain way for you to approve of her.
Secondly, you are adding to the thing that causes this cycle of bodyshaming and women hating their bodies. YOU seem to think that YOUR male opinion is paramount here to her “feeling better” about her body. WHY? Do you think women should hold male opinion of bodies that highly?
ultimately, you think that we are either not ok with our bodies, or ok with our bodies, depending on general male opinion of them? You’re no better than the people who made her feel bad about her body to begin with. You’re adding to the cycle of thinking you determine our worth
I’ll give you an example.

Me: *makes comment about having small tits and how guys have body shamed them*.

You: “ well, *i* hate big boobs. I’m an ASS MAN! So you’re fine!”.

Honestly, this is insulting as fuck and this is not a compliment. Stop fucking doing it.
1. You shamed women with big boobs.
2. You commented on my body as if it is an object.
3. You basically said “I don’t care about your tits being a bit shit, cause I just look at your ass and it makes up for it”.
4. You never once said : “ the real problem is BODY SHAMING “
5. You for some reason still think that all my deep insecurities and trauma from bodyshaming over my entire life will be “fixed” by yet *another* unsolicited male comment on my body.

“I’m so sorry they body shamed you. They should’ve never done that. I understand why you would feel xyz (however they’ve said they feel... angry/insecure/upset/sad) about that ”
Do. Not. Mention. Her. Body. At. All.

Not now. Not in this instance. Because bodyshaming is actually nothing to do with the person’s body. Don’t add to yet more comments she will internalise. Just don’t. Just say you’re sorry. Just pick up your male friends when they body shame
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