You know what. No. I'm not gonna be nice about this for once.

Come off Anon and say it to my face so I can block you, don't be a coward. I'm sick and tired of this.
I'm a writer who craves the validation my work gets, not some sort of needy, self absorbed freak that would fake bs just to get attention.

Spoiler alert: I'm an introvert, anxious, and extremely shy irl. I use a lot of energy every day trying to be kind and spread love here.
I go out of my way to make others feel good and read as much content as I can so I can praise other writers. I commission art to help spread others work and support content creators. I'm always here and willing to let people lean on me if they need a friend because I WANT to.
I'm sick and tired of my character constantly being misjudged when I have done NOTHING to elicit that response.

If you want to bad mouth me, talk shit, or be a general asshole in my vicinity: Don't.

And if you're going to anyway,

I'm not saying all this to get attention or sympathy, I don't give a flying fuck about that. I just want people like the Chross Anti account creators and this victim blaming CC askee to just fuck off.
I know this is a wild shift in character and this thread probably makes me look like a dick, but I'm just honestly so tired. People wonder why content creators quit or leave a fandom, and it's shit like this that causes it.

This is my safe place. Stop trying to take it from me.
You can follow @chrossxxxrodes.
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