On the subway, a white liberal man (who was very expensively coiffed) starred me down then huffed loudly, stood up and stormed to the other side of the carriage just because I sat down across from him without wearing a mask. I dunno, Is this how blacks felt in the Jim Crow South?
The benches are six feet apart I don’t get it! It’s almost like a mental illness, or a moment of empowerment for sad control freaks, also known as Karens, who worship at miniature shrine of Fauci each night. (The miniature is actually life-sized)
And his huffing, even with a useless piece of paper over his moth, spread more virus than my peaceful, unobstructed breathing. Just saying.
It’s funny this was in Wealthy Manhattan. As soon as you get to my stop, where more blacks and browns live, everyone has their mask hanging off one ear.
It’s a white liberal douche thing. Just like BLM.
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