1. Listen, we truly have to stop caring what they say. It just isn’t healthy. They do not understand, and they have no desire to try and understand.

Side note: A pastor advocating indifference to the struggle of marginalized people thru spiritualized speech is spiritual abuse. https://twitter.com/EdYoung/status/1280685784237039620
2. I’ll say it again. When a pastor uses spiritualized speech to justify indifference to justice & racial oppression (enable the powerful at the expense of the vulnerable), it is spiritual abuse to any minority who belongs to said marginalized group who is under their leadership.
3. I don’t know a single black Christian who supports the org BLM. Not a one. When white Christians use the org as an excuse to dismiss the movement/fight for equality black people are pursuing, we know exactly what you are doing. You are using org as an excuse for indifference.
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